Thursday, May 31, 2012

Back from hiatus!

I had let this blog go because I just didn't know what angle I wanted to take with it. I feel like there are a thousand diet and fitness related blogs written by women out there. So I decided to make this a thousand and one.

I now have an iPhone
and love attaching photos to everything
A lot has changed since my last post on here. I started my first job as an RN, moved to a house in Avondale, and Charlie and I are over. I'll probably touch on these topics later, but what has brought me back is something these recent life changes have created: the slow creep upwards of the scale. I have given up almost all the healthy habits that it took me over a year to create. I no longer feel beautiful and strong. After floundering around for months, I decided I wanted the old me back and I'm starting here. I'll write more soon, I had kind of just wanted to write an I'm back post. Goodnight all!