Friday, November 25, 2011

My Current Exercise Regimen

We got the internet back! Officially, Charlie caved before I did, but it's good to be back.

I haven't posted about this yet, but for the past eight weeks or so I have been doing the Jamie Eason Livefit Trainer from, here's the link:

I've always admired Jamie Eason and thought this would be a great way to change up my routine. I really liked it at first, I had been neglecting my weightlifting for a while and it felt good to join a gym. It's a 12 week program that focuses on building muscle and then leaning out. I gained two pounds but lost about a half inch from my hips and butt. However, the routines kept getting harder and harder and I just lost interest. As of today, I am no longer following it.

Instead I asked Charlie to help me come up with a new routine. Since he used to personal train back in college, I trust his opinion. He came up with a plane that includes running, yoga and two days of weightlifting per week. I'm glad to be getting back into running and yoga. I haven't gone to a yoga class since I almost fainted during the labor day class and it's time to get back on the horse. We ran two miles today, it took 20:07 and was pretty hard. I'm also back on myfitnesspal (username jane130).

I created a little calendar and diagram of what I'm doing now and taped it to the fridge. I like to use different colored pens to write down what I did each day and it's very satisfying to watch it fill up with accomplishments.
This one was made pretty quick, next month I'll have to do a better, and simpler calendar.

I'll let you all know how this program works out for me.

Tiny Puppy Teeth of Destruction

I really had no idea what I was getting into when we got a puppy, I certainly don't regret it, but there has been a long learning experience. Our sweet puppy, Max, goes through about one chew toy every three days. Since I'm scared that if he gets bored of his toys he may go in search of stuff around the house to chew up for entertainment, I'm buying puppy toys almost every week. I've learned that Petsmart and Petco are way overpriced. And that no matter how much it may have cost, it will eventually be ruined by the force we call puppy destruction. Max doesn't even have his adult teeth yet (No, I didn't know puppies lost their teeth like people do). He's lost one tooth that I've seen so far, it was quite a milestone and of course I was overly sentimental. I wanted to post that I've discovered that the best places to buy dog supplies are Target and Publix. The puppy chow we use is almost half the price at Publix compared to Petco, and they have a modest selection of toys and bones for about $3. Here is a picture of Max with his current favorite toy, it used to squeak but Max silenced the little bugger long ago.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Making it through the work day

So I worked my three 12's this past Thursday, Friday and Saturday and although it overall went great, I had some difficulties adjusting to my new schedule. Twelve hours is a long time for someone who hasn't worked in over a year.

First off, I refuse to get up before 6am. My obsession with getting 8 hours of sleep allows only 15 minutes before I have to head out the door. This means I had to cut out my usual breakfast of egg whites and toast with home-brewed coffee. I have to eat my breakfast in the car and forgo the coffee unless I stop at Dunkin Donuts.

I decided to eat a protein bar in the car and stop at the DD drive in. Unfortunately, I find myself unable to order DD coffee without adding the words cream and sugar. They make a darn good coffee there, but I knew I couldn't keep eating those empty calories. The day I went there and the drive thru was backed up was the last day I went I had DD coffee. I learned that the staff on my unit goes out of their way to make good coffee, so I decided to just drink what's available there. I'm trying to not make myself dependent on caffeine to make it through the day, but it's really easy to start with a big cup of coffee add some diet soda at lunch and a second coffee at 4pm. I've been trying to cut out at least the diet soda, since I feel it also rots my teeth.

The biggest problem with working so long is that I find myself constantly hungry. I'm always looking forward to the next chance to eat. I don't know whether it's fatigue, stress, associating food with a break, or just not eating enough breakfast. Because of this, I throw as much healthy food as possible into my lunchbox. Knowing the hospital there will always be unhealthy food to tempt you, you've got to be prepared with a strong will and a ton of good snacks. I posted a pic of what I put in my lunchbox for tomorrow, it has everything I'll eat that day other than dinner and maybe a before bed snack.

Even with all this food I've still been indulging in the extras at the hospital. A visit to the omelette bar on thursday, a donut on Friday and some leftover Halloween candy on Saturday. Hopefully tomorrow I can make it without any extras, but I'm sure I will at least have some coffee.

In case you're wondering what's in the Tupperware, it's leftovers from tonights dinner, bulgar beef skillet. It's ground beef with bulgar wheat and veggies. I should have taken a picture of it cause it's pretty healthy, bulgar wheat has a great macro breakdown. Maybe next time.

It's so hard to resist food when it's right in front of you and free for the taking, tomorrow is a new day and since I gained 4 lbs this week I want that day to have no sugary extras.

Please comment below if you have any tips on surviving a long work day without giving in to the food in the break room.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Blog Ideas

I have been trying to think more about in what direction I want to take this blog, and so far I can think of a few things that I do that other people might want to read about:

  • Health and Fitness. This includes excercise, nutrition and general comments on the female obsession to lose weight
  • School. I am a student for life it seems, finishing my second degree, and planning my third
  • Moving out on my own, and now living with my boyfriend. Learning so much about each other...
  • My quest to find a real job after college. Didn't happen with the first degree (damn you, biology)
  • My new puppy! I feel the exclamation point says enough
I think most people can relate to almost all of these topics.

At this point, I feel as though I should introduce myself. My name is Leda and I currently live in Jacksonville, FL. I am about to graduate from University of Florida with my nursing degree. For the past year I have been on a health and fitness kick that continues to this day, 30 pounds lost and counting. After living with my parents for a ridiculously long time, I finally moved out on my own just over a year ago. And as of two weeks ago I now live with my boyfriend, Charlie. On a poorly thought out whim, the two of us adopted a rat terrier puppy we named Max. I am trying hard to not make him the center of my world. The biggest thing going on with me right now is the launching of my career. I graduate nursing school December 16th and am very focused on getting my first job. I have a previous degree in biology that took me nowhere and because of that have a fear of history repeating itself. Though that is not very likely with nursing, it sits in the back of my mind always.

Don't want to overwhelm anyone with my life story, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.

'till next time, Leda

PS I am posting this from the Starbucks in Riverside, had to go to three places before I found free wifi

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The very first post

This is my first post on my first blog. I haven't decided what this blog will be about, other than things that I do and my interests. I will have to do some self examining to determine what other people would most like to read about. The blog also needs to be customized, we shall see how this goes as in an effort to get out of the house more my home currently has no Internet. That leaves me with either taking my laptop to an Internet hotspot, my parents house, or using my boyfriend's iPhone when available.

I shall do a better about me piece later, when I figure out what this is all about and am not using a tiny iPhone screen. Until then, take care!