Friday, November 25, 2011

My Current Exercise Regimen

We got the internet back! Officially, Charlie caved before I did, but it's good to be back.

I haven't posted about this yet, but for the past eight weeks or so I have been doing the Jamie Eason Livefit Trainer from, here's the link:

I've always admired Jamie Eason and thought this would be a great way to change up my routine. I really liked it at first, I had been neglecting my weightlifting for a while and it felt good to join a gym. It's a 12 week program that focuses on building muscle and then leaning out. I gained two pounds but lost about a half inch from my hips and butt. However, the routines kept getting harder and harder and I just lost interest. As of today, I am no longer following it.

Instead I asked Charlie to help me come up with a new routine. Since he used to personal train back in college, I trust his opinion. He came up with a plane that includes running, yoga and two days of weightlifting per week. I'm glad to be getting back into running and yoga. I haven't gone to a yoga class since I almost fainted during the labor day class and it's time to get back on the horse. We ran two miles today, it took 20:07 and was pretty hard. I'm also back on myfitnesspal (username jane130).

I created a little calendar and diagram of what I'm doing now and taped it to the fridge. I like to use different colored pens to write down what I did each day and it's very satisfying to watch it fill up with accomplishments.
This one was made pretty quick, next month I'll have to do a better, and simpler calendar.

I'll let you all know how this program works out for me.

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