Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Bod Pod

The morning of the Bod Pod,
I can see a little progress
I recently found out that my job has its own Bod Pod down at employee health. Now, if you don't know what a Bod Pod is, I didn't either, but I think the name is hilarious and have been using it in conversation as much as possible ever since. A Bod Pod is an egg shaped device that you sit in and it measures your body fat using air displacement. It's supposed to be the most accurate way to find out what your body fat percentage is. I've used other methods and gotten conflicting results. The BF measuring scales tell me about 30%, which I don't like. I went to the rec center and did the calipers method once, I was about 10 pounds heavier back then and the guy said I was 15%. My personal trainer laughed out loud for five straight minutes when I told him that, jackass. So I've always wanted to know what the real number is, and when I found out this was available and it was free, I made an appointment the next week.

On the phone the lady told me to bring either a bathing suit or some gym clothes to wear inside the machine since I wanted to displace as little air as possible. I chose some bikini bottoms and a sports bra top and headed to employee health. They keep the bod pod in an unused office/storage closet, even though when I found out it cost over $30,000 it seemed like it should have a more regal room. The directions are simple, put on your skivvies, add this swim cap for good measure, and get in. Later I was asked by a coworker, "Did it hurt?" My response: Only your dignity.

Reminds me of my swim team days
Anyways, my results were 24%. They weigh you too in order to calculate your lean weight and total fat weight (33lbs of fat). You can then use those numbers to figure your BMR and total daily calories needed. I was told that I was in the "acceptable" range, "lean" starts at 22%. I wasn't happy with that but since I already knew I wanted to lose some fat, it was what I had expected. I'd told the lady doing it that I was expecting 25% so I guess I was right on. Honestly, the experience was a little anti-climatic. For such an expensive machine I felt like it should be able to tell me more, like what is my correct bra size? Am I 32A or 32D? Victoria's Secret has been messing with my head.

I'm planning on going back in 2-3 months after I have (optimistically) lost the weight I want to lose.

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