Friday, November 4, 2011

Blog Ideas

I have been trying to think more about in what direction I want to take this blog, and so far I can think of a few things that I do that other people might want to read about:

  • Health and Fitness. This includes excercise, nutrition and general comments on the female obsession to lose weight
  • School. I am a student for life it seems, finishing my second degree, and planning my third
  • Moving out on my own, and now living with my boyfriend. Learning so much about each other...
  • My quest to find a real job after college. Didn't happen with the first degree (damn you, biology)
  • My new puppy! I feel the exclamation point says enough
I think most people can relate to almost all of these topics.

At this point, I feel as though I should introduce myself. My name is Leda and I currently live in Jacksonville, FL. I am about to graduate from University of Florida with my nursing degree. For the past year I have been on a health and fitness kick that continues to this day, 30 pounds lost and counting. After living with my parents for a ridiculously long time, I finally moved out on my own just over a year ago. And as of two weeks ago I now live with my boyfriend, Charlie. On a poorly thought out whim, the two of us adopted a rat terrier puppy we named Max. I am trying hard to not make him the center of my world. The biggest thing going on with me right now is the launching of my career. I graduate nursing school December 16th and am very focused on getting my first job. I have a previous degree in biology that took me nowhere and because of that have a fear of history repeating itself. Though that is not very likely with nursing, it sits in the back of my mind always.

Don't want to overwhelm anyone with my life story, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.

'till next time, Leda

PS I am posting this from the Starbucks in Riverside, had to go to three places before I found free wifi

1 comment:

  1. I'd be interested in any of the above mentioned topics. But maybe I'm just nosy like that.

