Sunday, November 13, 2011

Making it through the work day

So I worked my three 12's this past Thursday, Friday and Saturday and although it overall went great, I had some difficulties adjusting to my new schedule. Twelve hours is a long time for someone who hasn't worked in over a year.

First off, I refuse to get up before 6am. My obsession with getting 8 hours of sleep allows only 15 minutes before I have to head out the door. This means I had to cut out my usual breakfast of egg whites and toast with home-brewed coffee. I have to eat my breakfast in the car and forgo the coffee unless I stop at Dunkin Donuts.

I decided to eat a protein bar in the car and stop at the DD drive in. Unfortunately, I find myself unable to order DD coffee without adding the words cream and sugar. They make a darn good coffee there, but I knew I couldn't keep eating those empty calories. The day I went there and the drive thru was backed up was the last day I went I had DD coffee. I learned that the staff on my unit goes out of their way to make good coffee, so I decided to just drink what's available there. I'm trying to not make myself dependent on caffeine to make it through the day, but it's really easy to start with a big cup of coffee add some diet soda at lunch and a second coffee at 4pm. I've been trying to cut out at least the diet soda, since I feel it also rots my teeth.

The biggest problem with working so long is that I find myself constantly hungry. I'm always looking forward to the next chance to eat. I don't know whether it's fatigue, stress, associating food with a break, or just not eating enough breakfast. Because of this, I throw as much healthy food as possible into my lunchbox. Knowing the hospital there will always be unhealthy food to tempt you, you've got to be prepared with a strong will and a ton of good snacks. I posted a pic of what I put in my lunchbox for tomorrow, it has everything I'll eat that day other than dinner and maybe a before bed snack.

Even with all this food I've still been indulging in the extras at the hospital. A visit to the omelette bar on thursday, a donut on Friday and some leftover Halloween candy on Saturday. Hopefully tomorrow I can make it without any extras, but I'm sure I will at least have some coffee.

In case you're wondering what's in the Tupperware, it's leftovers from tonights dinner, bulgar beef skillet. It's ground beef with bulgar wheat and veggies. I should have taken a picture of it cause it's pretty healthy, bulgar wheat has a great macro breakdown. Maybe next time.

It's so hard to resist food when it's right in front of you and free for the taking, tomorrow is a new day and since I gained 4 lbs this week I want that day to have no sugary extras.

Please comment below if you have any tips on surviving a long work day without giving in to the food in the break room.

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